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Galactica Video Game

Start to Finish

Step 1

The spaceship has fire when the game starts and it is able to move around the screen.

Step 2

The spaceship now had boundries which means it can only go so far to the side and so far up.

Step 3

This is the laser that the spaceship will fire at the enemy ships.

Step 4

The spaceship is able to shoot multiple times and move with the ship. My own backround was also added.



Step 5

The asteroid is added but the shot goes through the asteroid without destroying it.

Step 6

In this version on the game, you can destroy one asteroid. It doesn't fall.

Step 7

The spaceship is able to shoot,destroy, and kill the asteroids that fall randomly.



Step 8

The spaceship is able to shoot,destroy, and kill the asteroids that fall randomly. You are able to keep score and restart the game. Music and sound are also present.



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